I have a friend who I have been corresponding with for a year or so who is curious and exploring the Faith. She, like me, was not raised in a religious household, and I have been so edified in her openness to Christianity, coming from a secular Jewish background. She has been reading a Bible I sent her, and we talk from time to time about the things of faith. I am so encouraged by her, and pray for her regularly.
We all are looking for meaning in our existence here on earth. Before I came to faith in Christ, the emptiness and futility of life here on earth was palpable, and I was often filled with despair. Followers of Christ are often chided to having a 'crutch' in belief, but I have found in my own life that without faith, without the transforming power of Christ, it is true: nothing really matters, and nothing makes sense.
But the fact is, through the eyes of faith, you begin to see that EVERYTHING MATTERS. From the smallest detail to the largest life decision--when we are living for the Lord, our lives matter. They matter to Him, and they matter to the world. The smallest act of faith is larger than the greatest secular accomplishment, and nothing escapes His view. The "reason for our hope" can sometimes be hard for Christians to articulate if they do not have a real, meaningful relationship with the risen Lord but instead sit back in the comfortable hollow veneer of cultural Christianity or religion devoid of belief. But once you have encountered the living God, you cannot remain unchanged.
The following is from a conversation with my friend, in which I offer some meager advice on how to see the ordinary things of life, our every day duties and responsibilities, as a way of serving God and finding joy:
We all are looking for meaning in our existence here on earth. Before I came to faith in Christ, the emptiness and futility of life here on earth was palpable, and I was often filled with despair. Followers of Christ are often chided to having a 'crutch' in belief, but I have found in my own life that without faith, without the transforming power of Christ, it is true: nothing really matters, and nothing makes sense.
But the fact is, through the eyes of faith, you begin to see that EVERYTHING MATTERS. From the smallest detail to the largest life decision--when we are living for the Lord, our lives matter. They matter to Him, and they matter to the world. The smallest act of faith is larger than the greatest secular accomplishment, and nothing escapes His view. The "reason for our hope" can sometimes be hard for Christians to articulate if they do not have a real, meaningful relationship with the risen Lord but instead sit back in the comfortable hollow veneer of cultural Christianity or religion devoid of belief. But once you have encountered the living God, you cannot remain unchanged.
The following is from a conversation with my friend, in which I offer some meager advice on how to see the ordinary things of life, our every day duties and responsibilities, as a way of serving God and finding joy:
"That’s the beauty of Catholic Christianity. Jesus was both 100% human and 100% God. No other religion can claim this. Our humanness and everything that comes with it, including chores, work, the everyday drudgery of life can be transformed and sanctified when given over to His purposes... In the Eucharist, ordinary bread and wine become the actually body and blood of Christ... In the sacrament of matrimony we are given the supernatural grace to live our vows...
Remember: Mary lived a very ordinary and unassuming life of everyday things: nursing, changing diapers, making a home. And she was the Mother of God!... These were not the things that ‘got in the way’ of the life of faith...they were sanctified through faith. Everything she—and you and I do—matters. St Joseph too worked as a humble carpenter to provide for his family...
St Benedict has a saying about prayer and work (I will link good article). They go together... Living by faith is not a futile or meaningless exercise. When we suffer, we suffer for the Lord... When we have joy, we give thanks and praise, and eat the fruit of gratefulness, which transforms our attitude and dispositions. But it’s all only POSSIBLE by faith... I would encourage you to set aside a few minutes of quiet time each day to thank God for where He is leading you, and ask very specifically for what you want Him to give you, and He will do it, as long as it is in accordance with His will and good for you spiritually speaking... The next time you have an opportunity to love and serve your husband, remember St Joseph and the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Family. Ask for their intercession in your marriage... The next time you are feeding your boys or doing laundry, offer it as a sacrifice to God who notices all things done in love...
When you are feeling downcast and lonely, remember our Lord in the garden before his crucifixion. He is RIGHT THERE with you. This is not make believe, this is real life, not counterfeit... I promise you it will transform how you approach even the smallest detail of your life as a housewife. Pray from the heart, be honest, but make everything known to the One who knows you so intimately that He knows every hair on your head... Confess your sins and failings, and trust that you are forgiven before the words leave your lips...
There is a reason Christianity is a religion of JOY. We have been saved from death and meaninglessness by Christ’s death and resurrection. Hallelujah!
God bless you"
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