The Crisis of Effeminacy and How To Raise A Man. Lecture by Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger (notes, PART 2)
In the second part of his lecture, Fr. Ripperger lays out and extols the necessity of the theological virtues. That is, a real man is a virtuous man. The effeminate man eschews the virtues because they are hard.
Your job as a man is to sacrifice yourself for your wife--provide and protect.
Primary person you have to protect her from is YOURSELF.
She's more likely to suffer injury at your expense because she loves you.
Any guy who doesn't master chastity is no true man.
A true man is a man of virtue (temperance)
Sleeping with many women is effeminate because he is only thinking about himself and not protecting and putting women first.
Boys growing up today are miserable. No semblance of masculinity, since the time they are little their masculinity is being beaten out of them by the culture and feminism. When a guy is constantly thinking of himself, he is effeminate, and they are miserable, because they are not designed for that.
God created in Eve an inclination (led to Adam), but she had to be concerned with herself that she is suitable to him in appearance.
An unmarried woman has to look for a man who will take care and protect her FOR THE SAKE OF HER CHILDREN (virtuous woman), not for herself (fallen woman)
Difficult things are FULFILLING
A true man likes the feel of being physically exhausted because it is what we are designed to do.
The irony: men excelling in chastity is not so much for themselves, but for women.
For women, being chaste is for themselves (can get pregnant)
Men have to view it is safeguarding women and their well being, guarding their integrity (spiritual, physical, emotional, etc)
Virtue of religion
Praying is HARD; matters of religion are HARD that's why its masculine
YOU KNOW THERE IS A CRISIS/DISASTER IN THE CHURCH when all the matters of religion are being ceded to women. This signals a crisis in the clergy, that they have become effeminate.
A man must assume authority in the home, must maintain his authority since the sin of Eve is to usurp authority.
Must exercise that authority in a matter of justice and equanimity.
He does not pursue peace at the expense of his authority.
Peace brings a certain pleasure, so if you're not careful it will become your end and you will compromise to achieve it.
Structure of authority has to do with the protection and providence of those under him.
Major problem in traditional movement.
Because many men in trad movement are generally effeminate and no virtue, no BALANCE in exercising authority.
Your wife and children are not there to serve you.
According to Thomas Aquinas and the Church Fathers, man is responsible for EVERYTHING (diapers, dishes, etc).
But women are assigned as helpers, not slaves.
She is there so help YOU do YOUR JOB.
application of universal moral principals in the concrete. (THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. Don't take it)
Men should excel at this.
This cognitive power/virtue has the ability to do three things:
1) association (beer advertisements, get you to drink the beer.
2) good or bad on physical level (burning hand, etc)
3) prepares images for abstract/objective thinking
Women's intuition designed to help their children
Men designed more for abstract thinking
Why is this important with relation to prudence?
In order to apply to concrete. i need more than association, i need to know this is a case of theft, for instance. I need to have the right images in my mind in order to be able to judge the correct way.
Here's the problem:
The emotions get merged, emotions compromise intellectual judgment. the more he relies on his emotions and following them, he will never be able to practice prudence.
Trad guys (all emotion) don't know how to apply right authority (reason)
Must be able to judge objectively and THEN DO IT. If he can't even judge, his masculinity has been compromised.
If he does know the right thing to do and emotions start effecting his judgment, he's no man.
virtue opposite of anger
The guy who is angry is the guy who is effeminate.
Anger is a complex passion with a perception of injury with a desire for vindication (harming other thing so that it stops harming you, get pleasure out of that)
Perception of injury. A real man can take blows and keep standing.
The guy who regardless of what happens in family, work, driving, etc...
If he can't take the needling and just goes to seek vindication, he's effeminate.
A truly masculine virtue
A willingness to lead a life in accordance with the truth and not judging yourself greater than you are.
In its opposite, pride, we get a pleasure out of thinking of our own excellence. takes delight in own greatness (when he's not really)
A humble man looks at his defects and it is HARD to see it.
A man should have all of the virtues
If you're going to raise a man, first thing you must do is let your boy suffer a bit. (ordered suffering)
Pain is when you physically feel something bad
Suffering is when it goes on for a while (a judgement of time)
Animals don't experience suffering bc they have no concept of time.
This means that boys must work in things that are DIFFICULT.
They must be required to encounter things that are psychically, emotionally, mentally, and volitionally HARD
Has to be consistent
Must be shown VALUE of that hard work
Should get something , and also affirmation
Giving your son everything he wants without earning it is bad practice
Must be taught be example.
Work must be moderated (not too much, not too little)
Must see father practicing the theological virtues
Can't just be drinking beer and watching tv while mom prays
Must learn meekness when things dont go his way, and moderate anger
Recreation is a means, not an end. pleasure recreates the soul (when done moderate) Aristotle
Men must avoid the tendency not to see their sons's suffer
Feminism is self hatred
Most women who are feminists seek to destroy masculinity (self-hatred)
Being a women is a perfection, so you shouldn't have to feel bad about being a woman.
Women who are really feminine take real delight in seeing someone who is a real man
Women who are feminists are miserable.
Real problem wants to ultimate destroy what is feminine, which is bad because what is feminine is beautifal.
Must emasculate men so don't feel so bad about themselves.
Women have to let their boys be men
Responsibility--must see father NOT capitulate authority in the family.
Must see the father exercise authority RESPONSIBLY. if not, will come to hate masculinity bc he Will see the injustices against his mother.
My dad's a real man bc he's doing this for the well being of the kids and their mother
Must see true love for his mother (father loving mother)
Must see fruit of their labor (otherwise they will feel like a slave)
On opposite end of spectrum is they must work for what they want. nobody owes you anything
must be taught to appropriate those things under his charge (take care of the things he is put in charge of, to seem the flourish). To see his wife flourish
Must learn right order and authority structure, see wife submit, husband love.
Must learn docility and prudence by following right order.
A true man submits to his mother because it's HARD, creates PIETY (give honor to those over us). gets pleasure from the virtue of serving his parents (4th commandment)
wanting to do own thing all the time is effeiminate, bc seeks only pleasure.
moral of story: have to have inner discipline and self control for FREEDOM
How do you make a boy into a man?
Develop VIRTUE
Take delight in them.
What are virtues and how do we obtain them?
Goal is to get them to age of 18, when all have moral and mental habits of seeing things properly, making sure judgment is not affected by emotion, and that his intellect judgment is illuminated by faith, not emotions. not going to get that without pain and suffering.
Your job as a man is to sacrifice yourself for your wife--provide and protect.
Primary person you have to protect her from is YOURSELF.
She's more likely to suffer injury at your expense because she loves you.
Any guy who doesn't master chastity is no true man.
A true man is a man of virtue (temperance)
Sleeping with many women is effeminate because he is only thinking about himself and not protecting and putting women first.
Boys growing up today are miserable. No semblance of masculinity, since the time they are little their masculinity is being beaten out of them by the culture and feminism. When a guy is constantly thinking of himself, he is effeminate, and they are miserable, because they are not designed for that.
God created in Eve an inclination (led to Adam), but she had to be concerned with herself that she is suitable to him in appearance.
An unmarried woman has to look for a man who will take care and protect her FOR THE SAKE OF HER CHILDREN (virtuous woman), not for herself (fallen woman)
Difficult things are FULFILLING
A true man likes the feel of being physically exhausted because it is what we are designed to do.
The irony: men excelling in chastity is not so much for themselves, but for women.
For women, being chaste is for themselves (can get pregnant)
Men have to view it is safeguarding women and their well being, guarding their integrity (spiritual, physical, emotional, etc)
Virtue of religion
Praying is HARD; matters of religion are HARD that's why its masculine
YOU KNOW THERE IS A CRISIS/DISASTER IN THE CHURCH when all the matters of religion are being ceded to women. This signals a crisis in the clergy, that they have become effeminate.
A man must assume authority in the home, must maintain his authority since the sin of Eve is to usurp authority.
Must exercise that authority in a matter of justice and equanimity.
He does not pursue peace at the expense of his authority.
Peace brings a certain pleasure, so if you're not careful it will become your end and you will compromise to achieve it.
Structure of authority has to do with the protection and providence of those under him.
Major problem in traditional movement.
Because many men in trad movement are generally effeminate and no virtue, no BALANCE in exercising authority.
Your wife and children are not there to serve you.
According to Thomas Aquinas and the Church Fathers, man is responsible for EVERYTHING (diapers, dishes, etc).
But women are assigned as helpers, not slaves.
She is there so help YOU do YOUR JOB.
application of universal moral principals in the concrete. (THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. Don't take it)
Men should excel at this.
This cognitive power/virtue has the ability to do three things:
1) association (beer advertisements, get you to drink the beer.
2) good or bad on physical level (burning hand, etc)
3) prepares images for abstract/objective thinking
Women's intuition designed to help their children
Men designed more for abstract thinking
Why is this important with relation to prudence?
In order to apply to concrete. i need more than association, i need to know this is a case of theft, for instance. I need to have the right images in my mind in order to be able to judge the correct way.
Here's the problem:
The emotions get merged, emotions compromise intellectual judgment. the more he relies on his emotions and following them, he will never be able to practice prudence.
Trad guys (all emotion) don't know how to apply right authority (reason)
Must be able to judge objectively and THEN DO IT. If he can't even judge, his masculinity has been compromised.
If he does know the right thing to do and emotions start effecting his judgment, he's no man.
virtue opposite of anger
The guy who is angry is the guy who is effeminate.
Anger is a complex passion with a perception of injury with a desire for vindication (harming other thing so that it stops harming you, get pleasure out of that)
Perception of injury. A real man can take blows and keep standing.
The guy who regardless of what happens in family, work, driving, etc...
If he can't take the needling and just goes to seek vindication, he's effeminate.
A truly masculine virtue
A willingness to lead a life in accordance with the truth and not judging yourself greater than you are.
In its opposite, pride, we get a pleasure out of thinking of our own excellence. takes delight in own greatness (when he's not really)
A humble man looks at his defects and it is HARD to see it.
A man should have all of the virtues
If you're going to raise a man, first thing you must do is let your boy suffer a bit. (ordered suffering)
Pain is when you physically feel something bad
Suffering is when it goes on for a while (a judgement of time)
Animals don't experience suffering bc they have no concept of time.
This means that boys must work in things that are DIFFICULT.
They must be required to encounter things that are psychically, emotionally, mentally, and volitionally HARD
Has to be consistent
Must be shown VALUE of that hard work
Should get something , and also affirmation
Giving your son everything he wants without earning it is bad practice
Must be taught be example.
Work must be moderated (not too much, not too little)
Must see father practicing the theological virtues
Can't just be drinking beer and watching tv while mom prays
Must learn meekness when things dont go his way, and moderate anger
Recreation is a means, not an end. pleasure recreates the soul (when done moderate) Aristotle
Men must avoid the tendency not to see their sons's suffer
Feminism is self hatred
Most women who are feminists seek to destroy masculinity (self-hatred)
Being a women is a perfection, so you shouldn't have to feel bad about being a woman.
Women who are really feminine take real delight in seeing someone who is a real man
Women who are feminists are miserable.
Real problem wants to ultimate destroy what is feminine, which is bad because what is feminine is beautifal.
Must emasculate men so don't feel so bad about themselves.
Women have to let their boys be men
Responsibility--must see father NOT capitulate authority in the family.
Must see the father exercise authority RESPONSIBLY. if not, will come to hate masculinity bc he Will see the injustices against his mother.
My dad's a real man bc he's doing this for the well being of the kids and their mother
Must see true love for his mother (father loving mother)
Must see fruit of their labor (otherwise they will feel like a slave)
On opposite end of spectrum is they must work for what they want. nobody owes you anything
must be taught to appropriate those things under his charge (take care of the things he is put in charge of, to seem the flourish). To see his wife flourish
Must learn right order and authority structure, see wife submit, husband love.
Must learn docility and prudence by following right order.
A true man submits to his mother because it's HARD, creates PIETY (give honor to those over us). gets pleasure from the virtue of serving his parents (4th commandment)
wanting to do own thing all the time is effeiminate, bc seeks only pleasure.
moral of story: have to have inner discipline and self control for FREEDOM
How do you make a boy into a man?
Develop VIRTUE
Take delight in them.
What are virtues and how do we obtain them?
Goal is to get them to age of 18, when all have moral and mental habits of seeing things properly, making sure judgment is not affected by emotion, and that his intellect judgment is illuminated by faith, not emotions. not going to get that without pain and suffering.
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