Inside Out

In 2004 I was a relatively new Catholic. I loved The Lord and wanted to serve Him and His people, especially in the poor.

I took for granted that Catholics were Catholics were Catholics, and that Truth was Truth. So when I heard about an organization sponsored by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops called the Catholic Campaign for Human Development that was working to "break the cycle of poverty" through community grant funding and empowerment, it sounded great. And to boot, they were sponsoring a cross country bike tour to raise awareness about poverty in America and what CCHD was doing to end it by addressing its root causes. Sign me up!

Now, I've always been a pretty naive person. My 'gay-dar' doesn't work. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I try to think the best of motivations, that they are not in fact deliberately sinister. I am discerning, but I trust easily. So I had no idea about the history CCHD until fifteen years later when I came across Richard and Stephen Payne's recent documentary "A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" about Saul Alinksky and his successful attempts to infiltrate the Church with marxist ideology at the highest levels, and to undermine the teachings of the Church in the process. There was also the recent leaks and revelations about the billionaire George Soros funding dissident progressive Catholic groups intent on working to change church teaching from the inside out. I was sincere...but I was unknowingly had.

I don't care so much about left and right, differences in charisms and veneers, and recognize there can be legitimate differences in how we approach social problems--but I do care about Truth and that which threatens to undermine and overthrow it.

The Devil deceives by distorting the truth and repackaging it, presenting it as something other than a lie. In the Garden of Eden, he introduces the question, "Did God really say?..." setting the stage for second-guessing the Lord's clear command. Once the seeds of doubt are sown, he lays out the lie: "You will not die. For God knows..." (Gen 3). When the Devil tempts Jesus in the wilderness, he employs the same tactics, quoting scripture for his purposes to make him stumble, again presenting them as 'goods.'

Lies can look like truth. The subtleties of deceit are often intentional and possibly even well-meaning--that is, to achieve a good end--but when they are not rooted in truth they pave an alternative path, to Hell. If I was a new Catholic and I didn't know the difference between the National Catholic Reporter newspaper (dissident) and the National Catholic Register (orthodox) or priests and religious who preach practices contrary to Church teaching, I would be confused as to why some people were say, supporting gay marriage and women's ordination, while others were speaking out against it. Such disunity and confusion in the Church on her moral teachings is a product of the one who sows weeds among wheat (Mt 13:24-30), the Enemy. It has weakened the Church from the inside, and while the Gates of Hell will not prevail against Her, the Devil is leading many people there with very little effort. The faithfully stubborn few who refuse to take the wide path will endure much suffering in order to enter into the Kingdom.

So, how does one come to Truth? Have faith in Christ and in His Bride, the Church. Read the Catechism. Submit to legitimate authority, and lean not on your own understanding. Pray in all humility for wisdom and understanding--the gifts the Holy Spirit imparts through Confirmation. Search your heart and confess your sins. Choose to follow what is true, even when it costs you reputation, rank, and life. Pray without ceasing. Study the lives of the saints, and ask for their intercession. Be baptized if you are not already. Surround yourself with orthodox people who can speak to truth, reason, and genuine faith that is not misguided. The Devil will do whatever he can to lead one astray through gentle whispers and subtle deceits.

I remember on our bike tour, there was a very orthodox guy my age who kind of stood alone because of that. He was simple and conservative and humble, and I hated him in my heart for what he stood for. I reconnected with him this year, after fifteen years since we had last seen each other. He and his wife have nine children, and was as gracious as could be when I called him last month to ask his forgiveness for the way I regarded him in my heart, even if he never knew it. There was also one of the guy's wives who came out to visit while we were on tour, who I thought was crazy because she was so conservative and so committed to the pro-life movement. I realize now that I was the one who was crazy, both literally and spiritually, and I have since reconnected with her as well and am so grateful for her friendship and prayer.

Trust in the Holy Spirit, who will lead you in all truth (Jn 16:13). Always check everything against God's Commandments and the true teachings of his holy Church. Make friends with saints. And if you are moved to seek what is reasonable and what is True, don't resist the gentle nudging in your heart. You may find yourself on a narrow path strewn with thorns, full of sorrowful and difficulty, going against the grain. But rest will find life in the end.
