I think about the Fall. A lot. You could call it one of my theological obsessions. Why do we sin? Why are we drawn to sin? Why is it so hard to do good?
Adam and Eve had EVERYTHING in the Garden they needed to be happy. They had the Lord. They had food in abundance. They didn't need clothes. Their lives were good...they were in Paradise.
But Paradise wasn't enough. When the serpent comes along to tempt them to do the one thing God commanded them not to do--eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil--they listened. They opened the door to an alternative promise of happiness. "God said we will die if we eat of or touch the tree," Eve says, but the serpent assures them that will not be the case, for "you will not surely die," he says, "but your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Like a used car salesman trying to unload lemons and get people to part with their hard earned money, the devil uses a variety of tactics. He is not known as the Father of Lies for nothing. He'll say and do anything to close a sale. It's all promises until you sign on the dotted line, and then you see what you've really bought. You take the broken down jalopy back to him the next day after the radiator is blown and the door handle comes off and he'll act like he doesn't know you. As long as he has your money, he could give two hoots about you and your new hoopty.
Satan whispers all kinds of lies in our ear all day to lead us away from God.
"That's no big deal...God doesn't really care about that."
"Sex outside of marriage is fine. As long as you are in love, that is all that matters."
"You can have just one sip, can't you? Then go back to being sober the next day. NBD."
"No meat on Friday? Where does it say that in the Bible? Don't be a such a hypocrite. Just enjoy the hamburger already."
"It will all be over soon. Rest is just around the corner. All you have to do is pull the trigger."
The world is in cahoots with the Devil. They rent the arena space out to him. Sometimes we don't even know things are wrong because we have lost our moral framework. It's as if the devil has his work cut out for him. And once he gets what he wants, he could care less about us. Not that he ever cared about us in the first place.
If you take anything from this post, just think about the last time you were lied to. What did it feel like? What did you feel like afterwards? Did you feel betrayed? Angry? Now think about this--when we turn away from God and his Word, we are not only making offense against the Lord, but shortchanging ourselves. Sin is one big lie--it promises us rest from future temptation and rest never comes. It promises happiness and contentment and doesn't deliver. It promises us love and care and leaves us orphans. It promises that we will be like God, and yet it takes us farther from Him.
When God lights the darkness in your heart, gives you eyes to see sin for what it really is--a lie, a false promise, a half-truth--don't be hoodwinked. Submit yourself to God. Learn His Commandments and follow them. Don't be like the rich man that trusts in his riches, says to himself "you have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy, eat drink and be merry," for God tells him, "you fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself!" (Lk 12:20). When you do fall, repent, get up, and walk anew, learning what a lie looks like so next time you will not be fooled.
Adam and Eve had EVERYTHING in the Garden they needed to be happy. They had the Lord. They had food in abundance. They didn't need clothes. Their lives were good...they were in Paradise.
But Paradise wasn't enough. When the serpent comes along to tempt them to do the one thing God commanded them not to do--eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil--they listened. They opened the door to an alternative promise of happiness. "God said we will die if we eat of or touch the tree," Eve says, but the serpent assures them that will not be the case, for "you will not surely die," he says, "but your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Like a used car salesman trying to unload lemons and get people to part with their hard earned money, the devil uses a variety of tactics. He is not known as the Father of Lies for nothing. He'll say and do anything to close a sale. It's all promises until you sign on the dotted line, and then you see what you've really bought. You take the broken down jalopy back to him the next day after the radiator is blown and the door handle comes off and he'll act like he doesn't know you. As long as he has your money, he could give two hoots about you and your new hoopty.
Satan whispers all kinds of lies in our ear all day to lead us away from God.
"That's no big deal...God doesn't really care about that."
"Sex outside of marriage is fine. As long as you are in love, that is all that matters."
"You can have just one sip, can't you? Then go back to being sober the next day. NBD."
"No meat on Friday? Where does it say that in the Bible? Don't be a such a hypocrite. Just enjoy the hamburger already."
"It will all be over soon. Rest is just around the corner. All you have to do is pull the trigger."
The world is in cahoots with the Devil. They rent the arena space out to him. Sometimes we don't even know things are wrong because we have lost our moral framework. It's as if the devil has his work cut out for him. And once he gets what he wants, he could care less about us. Not that he ever cared about us in the first place.
If you take anything from this post, just think about the last time you were lied to. What did it feel like? What did you feel like afterwards? Did you feel betrayed? Angry? Now think about this--when we turn away from God and his Word, we are not only making offense against the Lord, but shortchanging ourselves. Sin is one big lie--it promises us rest from future temptation and rest never comes. It promises happiness and contentment and doesn't deliver. It promises us love and care and leaves us orphans. It promises that we will be like God, and yet it takes us farther from Him.
When God lights the darkness in your heart, gives you eyes to see sin for what it really is--a lie, a false promise, a half-truth--don't be hoodwinked. Submit yourself to God. Learn His Commandments and follow them. Don't be like the rich man that trusts in his riches, says to himself "you have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy, eat drink and be merry," for God tells him, "you fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself!" (Lk 12:20). When you do fall, repent, get up, and walk anew, learning what a lie looks like so next time you will not be fooled.
"Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)
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